#CAYouthVsBigOil Responds to Newsom’s Fracking Ban, CA Oil Phase Out

2 min readApr 24, 2021

Governor Newsom’s fracking ban and commitment to phase out oil production are historic. California —the fifth largest economy in the world — is now the first state to declare a phase out of oil extraction. But neither the fracking ban nor the phase out yet deliver on the ambition required of tackling the twin crises of climate collapse and environmental racism. Our generation will pay the price of delay.

While Newsom’s announcement demonstrates the growing power of California’s broad and diverse movement to end the era of fossil fuels, a fracking ban by 2024, and a phase out of oil production by as late as 2045, simply aren’t in keeping with what the climate science demands and the urgent action needed to protect frontline communities today.

We know that the vast majority of fossil fuels need to be kept in the ground by 2030 to avoid the worse climate consequences. 2045 is too late. The Governor has it within his executive authority to end fracking permits today, not some arbitrary date in the future. He must also direct his agencies to build a robust just transition plan now to protect workers and communities while phasing out oil production on a truly meaningful timeline.

He should start by listening to frontline communities and directing his regulatory agencies to introduce 2500ft health and safety setbacks today and protect the millions of Californians, mostly people of color, who live with oil drilling in their neighborhoods. That is true climate ambition, that is the kind of urgency the crisis requires, and anything less is a betrayal of our generation and generations to come.




Youth climate leaders and organizers from across California — uniting to urge Governor Gavin Newsom to choose our climate future over fossil fuels.